Friday, October 12, 2012

Illustration Friday Post

This week the work is water...and I wanted to do something with rain because I love it so much! I guess this might be a self portrait of me and my puppy Belle (who lives with my Dad and Step mom). I named it 'Friday Afternoon'.  :)

Digital painting photoshop cs4 + wacom cte 440 tablet


Unknown said...

What a beautiful illustration. She is mysterious and innocent looking all at the same time. The way the colors compliment each other is also really nice. I also like the swirl of her hair. I love this.

k.h.whitaker said...

oh, so lovely, this is great

Unknown said...

Lovely piece! The light pattern on her raincoat is beautiful!

Laura said...

Stunning, I love the colours

dawn said...

I love this, the colours are exquisite!